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12x24x1 , purolator hi-e 40 extended surface pleated air filter, mechanical merv 8, (6 pack)

12x24x1 , purolator hi-e 40 extended surface pleated air filter, mechanical merv 8, (6 pack)

Regular price $14.89 SGD
Regular price $50.49 SGD Sale price $14.89 SGD
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Captures airborneparticles and allergens between 3-10 microns in size. , provides savings onenergy bill, reduced exposure to airborne allergens, toxins, and irritantsand diminishes the growth of mold and mildew. improved sanitaryconditions set by osha standards - chemical / biological contamination iscontrolled (5) strength and rigidity: hi-e 40 filters will not rack, warp orbend under normal handling or operating conditions.  the two-piece frameconstruction creates a double-wall thickness around the outer edge. combinedwith an integral die cut cross members provide and galvanized steel pleatsupport  and you have a provide a rustresistance and rigid high quality filter.  waterrepellent adhesive hold together even when wet. no delaminating, no excessivebuckling, no collapsing.  the merv 8 mediahas a polyvinyl acetate (pva) adhesive that is not affected by mold ormicrobial growth. in order to keep your air clean in your home or business,it is important to install replacements every 60 to 90.

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